Donate to Healthy Kids Clinics!

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Invest in our endowment to support the work of the clinic in perpetuity. Endowment is managed by the Community Foundation of Johnson County

Donations to our endowment MAY be eligible for the Endow Iowa tax credit

Give to our Charitable Giving Fund to support the expansion of clinic services over the next 2-3 years

Make your check out to:

Healthy Kids School Based Clinics

Indicate on the Memo line of your check whether you intend your contribution to go to the "Charitable Giving Fund" or to the "Endowment"

Mail to:

Community Foundation of Johnson County

Attention Julie Yoder: Healthy Kids School Based Clinics

501 12th Avenue, Suite 102

Coralville, Iowa 52241

How your donation can help:

· $10,000 pays for equipment & supplies to furnish the new clinic sites at Northwest Middle School & North Central Middle School

· $7500 purchases a new refrigerator and freezer to store vaccines

·$6000 covers medical supplies for the entire clinic for one year year

· $6000 pays for over the counter and prescription medications for clinic patients for a year

· $3600 opens a 4-hour clinic session per week (360 more appointments offered, 100 more students served)

· $2400 buys medication for a teenager with severe acne for one year

· $360 helps a child with ADHD succeed in school for one year

· $250 covers psychological testing for learning and attention problems for a student

· $200 covers the cost of STD testing and contraception for a teen

· $200 buys inhalers for a moderate asthmatic for a month

· $200 soothes a child’s eczema for one year

· $150 pays for initial lab testing for one child new to the country

· $100 covers 4 hours of care coordination connecting families to community resources

· $20 provides transportation for one family to and from an appointment

There IS need in Johnson County!

Many people are surprised to learn that children living in the shadow of a major children's hospital lack access to medical care, but it's true. Numbers have increased each year since we opened in 2007. 10.2% of the students in the Iowa City Community School District (more than 1400) are uninsured for 2024-25 school year

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